Our Values
Organic 101
No preservatives, nothing artificial

All of Mediterranean Organic’s product offerings are certified organic by the USDA.  This means that the food is grown and processed according to strict federal guidelines, ensuring that our products are in their most natural state.  Buying organic foods offers assurance against genetically modified ingredients, chemicals, and other unnecessary additives.  By displaying the USDA seal, we are committed to providing you the highest quality products available. 

To learn more visit www.usda.gov

From seed to crop to table

All of Mediterranean Organic's product offerings are verified or currently enrolled in the Non-GMO Project Verification program. This means that all products we source meet the guidelines of the North America third party verification group including the crops and ingredients derived from these crops.  Products that carry the Non-GMO Verification logo indicate that they have not been engineered for herbicide tolerance through techniques of biotechnology.  By displaying the verification logo, we are committed to working with sustainable farms and providing you the highest quality products available.   

To learn more visit: www.nongmoproject.org

Sunkissed in the Mediterranean

At Mediterranean Organic we work hard to source ingredients from traditional family farms in the Mediterranean Region. We currently source our products from Greece, Italy and Turkey. Many of our products are still hand-picked and crafted by local artisans in the regions. We pride ourselves in the authenticity of our products and want you to enjoy the true, delicious flavor of the Mediterranean cuisine.